
Awareness trip to see Jackeline


Trip Info

  • I sponsored a child, Jackeline, in Bolivia, from beginning of 2013 through the summer of 2019 (Jackeline went abroad for college and the sponsorship ended)
  • Unbound, the organization I was sponsoring through has an awareness trip where you can visit your sponsor child with a group of other sponsors
  • I decided to go on the trip only after a year or so of sponsoring Jackeline
  • Went to three cities in Bolivia – Santa Cruz, Cochabamba and La Paz, and visited different communities and mingled with the locals.
  • I got to meet Jackeline and her mother in La Paz 🙂

Trip Video

This was actually the first trip video I made, so filming and editing skills were even worse back then. Nonetheless, watching this video puts a smile on my face.

Random Happenings

  • We visited an orphanage in Cochabamba, and when the children found out that I was Korean, they were all around me asking me to sing some OSTs from the K-dramas they were watching. I remember turning on data roaming to look up lyrics and singing Paradise from Boys Over Flowers and a couple other songs.
  • Elevation: Santa Cruz – 1,365 feet; Cochabamba – 8,432 feet; La Paz – 11,942 feet
  • I was okay in Santa Cruz and Cochabamba, but in La Paz, because of the high elevation, I had a really bad headache. We actually had a doctor on site for the last two cities because of the elevation, and I was injected with oxygen in my hotel room. I actually felt much better after that.
  • There were a few interpreters in our group of 14 or so people, but when they weren’t around, I used the little Spanish I knew, the small dictionary I brought with me and body language to try communicating with Jackeline.
With Jackeline and her mother
In one of the villages we visited in Santa Cruz
At the orphanage in Cochabamba