Praise & Worship Videos

Let us pray together through music


By Young Adult Choir at Holy Korean Martyrs Catholic Church in San Jose

Mixing & Mastering, Video Filming & Editing: Hyun Jin




By Young Adult Choir at Holy Korean Martyrs Catholic Church in San Jose

Mixing & Mastering, Video Filming & Editing: Hyun Jin



There is None Like You

Male Vocal & Guitar, Mixing & Mastering, Video Filming & Editing: Hyun Jin




Guitar, Mixing & Mastering, Video Filming & Editing: Hyun Jin


For those of you that need words of comfort


A Cappella


Ascension of Jesus

Chercher avec toi, Marie

Guitar, flute and vocal

May devotions to the Blessed Virgin Mary


주님 어찌 저를 버리시나이까

Guitar & Vocal

Recorded for Palm Sunday


And about three o’clock Jesus cried out in a loud voice, “Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?” which means, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” (Matthew 27:46)