Weekend Trips in Ghana

Weekend trips with other volunteers while volunteering in Ghana


Trip Info

  • Duration: Weekends between Feb. 3 – Feb. 19 

Cape Coast & Kakum National Park

  • The first weekend trip to Cape Coast is organized by IVHQ (the volunteer organization) for the new volunteers across all programs.  
  • Went on a tour of Cape Coast Castle – was a trading post that was originally used for trading timber and gold, but was later used for slave trading after the decrease in the trades of gold.
  • Relaxed at the beach
  • Watched an acrobatic show
  • Stayed at a resort in a dormitory-style room
  • Went to Kakum National Park on the second day and went on suspension bridges

Tafi Atome Monkey Sanctuary, Wli Waterfalls

  • Visited the Tafi Atome Monkey Sanctuary with another volunteer from my prorgam on Friday, and then headed to Wli Waterfalls to meet up with other volunteers for the weekend trip. 
  • Got to feed banana to a monkey at the sanctuary!
  • Went on an intense (mostly because I wasn’t feeling well) hike at Wli Waterfalls. 
Me being really happy while the monkey is eating my banana.
Finally got to the top to see the fall! With the other volunteers.
Taking the motorcycle taxi.


  • Stayed at Big Milly’s Backyard
  • Spent time at the beach, playing soccer with the locals. 
  • Watched live band and dance performances, and acrobatics show. 
  • Spent more time chilling on day 2
  • Went to a reggae party at the resort in the evening, and spent the night drinking and chatting with the other volunteers.