Body Profile

So, I’ve been keeping the blog contents for the Korean and English versions of my page different, just because sometimes I want to write in Korean, and other times in English. I think this one, however, deserves to be in both languages, since it was quite a milestone for me. 

Body profile photoshoots have been a thing in Korea for a couple years now, where people that are not professional body builders spend a few months ‘building their bodies’ and do a photoshoot. There are a ton of information and blog posts on this now, and a lot of studios that do body profile shots. 

How I got into this

When I first heard about the hype with body profile shoots, I wasn’t interested at all. I didn’t want to have to stick to a strict diet plan and watch what I eat. 

Then COVID-19 happened, and we were under a shelter-in-place (SIP) order. I’m one of the few people that actually lost weight during the SIP. This is mainly because for me, the joy of eating comes from eating good food with good people. When I’m by myself, I don’t really care what I eat.

So, eating less, combined with daily light workouts I started doing eventually led to noticeable changes in about two months. Now that I could actually visually see the changes, I wanted to do more. I started watching YouTube videos and eating some of the traditional ‘diet’ food. 

In September, I finally started working again, and since we were all working from home anyway, I planned a trip to Korea to see my parents. As soon as I booked my plane tickets, I looked for body profile studios and hair & make up studios, and booked them a couple days after my quarantine would be over on. 

The 2 Weeks Before the Photoshoot

Since I had to be quarantined for 2 weeks after arriving in Korea, I thought that would make it easier for me to keep controlling what I eat and to work out. It didn’t quite work out the way I expected, because my parents felt bad that I was eating so little, so they would still cook me amazing home-cooked food. I felt bad saying no to that, so I ended up eating regular meal every other day. 

I also got pretty lazy with working out the last few days. But I could see some abs visible now, so I just wanted this to be over quickly. 

The day before the photoshoot, I went to get a spray tan, to hopefully make my muscles more visible. 

The Photoshoot

…and the day finally came! I planned it so that it fell on a US holiday so I could get some rest the night before. I got my hair & make up done at a nearby salon in the morning, and walked over to the studio for the photoshoot. I picked 3 different concepts, and after about 2 hours, I was done. 


The Result

The B-Cuts


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