Udacity Nanodegree |
C++: Engaged in 4 hands on projects using concepts learned through class,
including Object Oriented Programming, Memory Management and Concurrency.
Learned new concepts introduced in C++ 11 and 14. |
Udacity Nanodegree |
Full Stack: Engaged in 4 hands on projects using SQL Alchemy and Postgres as SQL and data
modeling, Unittest to run tests, JWT and Auth0 for identity and access management, and Docker,
Kubernetes, EKS, AWS and Heroku for server deployment and containerization |
CS452 |
Real Time Programming: Wrote an embedded software to control an electric train in C |
CS444 |
Compiler Construction: Wrote a compiler in C++ from a subset of Java to i386 assembly language |
CS486 |
Artificial Intelligence: Built an automated extraction-based text summarizer in C++ |
CS350 |
Operating Systems: Built an operating system on OS/161, implementing synchronization, system calls and virtual memory |